The Sondrestrom Research Facility is now closed and not collecting new data; however, all historical data is available and now being maintained by the AMISR facility. Please contact the AMISR team for assistance accessing and interpreting data.

Sondrestrom ceased operations in May 2018. The information on this website has not been updated since May 2018.

The Sondrestrom Research Facility hosts a wide range of optical and radiowave instruments operated for a variety of universities and government laboratories.

 Incoherent scatter radar
Allsky imager (intensified auroral)
Allsky imager (bare CCD airglow)
Simultaneous multispectral imager
Multichannel photometer
Imaging spectrograph
Fabry-Pèrot interferometer
Michelson interferometer
Meridian imaging spectrometer
Ozone spectrometer
UV spectrometer
Sun photometer
Three-axis magnetometer
Search coil magnetometer
HF imager
MF/HF receiver
Imaging riometer
Scintillation data receiving system
ELF/VLF receivers
Tomographic GPS
Solid earth GPS
Seismic detector
Particle sampler
Absolute gravimeter