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Command line interface to Madrigal | Doc home | Madrigal home |
Madrigal contains a number of command line applications that allow access to Madrigal data. Some of these require local access to the files on the Madrigal server, some use the remote API and so can be run from anywhere. This section describes the isprint application in detail, which is relevant both to direct users of the isprint application, and to users of the many API isprint methods that use the same arguments as the isprint command line application.
Command line applications:
Local applications (run only on a madrigal server)
Remote applications (can be run from anywhere - included in either python or Matlab remote API downloads)
The isprint application:
To use isprint, the user needs to specify four things:
The full filename
file= path to file (this argument is required)
Example: file=/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mlh980120g.001
Simply enter the desired parameter mnemonic (case-insensitive). They will be displayed in the order entered. If none given, only the header records will be displayed.The parameters desired to be displayed
Any filters to limit the amount of data shown
Time range
date1=mm/dd/yyyy - starting date to be examined. If time1 not given, defaults to 0 UT.
Example: date1=01/20/1998
time1=hh:mm:ss - starting UT time to be examined. If date1 given, is applied to date1. If not, applies on the first day of the experiment.
Example: time1=13:30:00
date2=mm/dd/yyyy - ending date to be examined. If time2 not given, defaults to 0 UT.
Example: date2=01/21/1998
time2=hh:mm:ss - ending UT time to be examined - If date2 not given, refers to date1. If date1 and date2 not given, refers to 1st day.
Example: time2=15:45:00
In the follow arguments ranges are used. If any range value is not given, it may be used to indicate no lower or upper limit (but the comma is always required). Ranges are inclusive of the end points.
Geodetic altitude
z=lower alt limit1, upper alt limit1 [or lower alt limit2 , upper alt limit2 ...] (km)
Example 1: z=100,500 This would limit the geodetic altitude to 100 to 500 km.
Example 2: z=100,200or300,400 This would limit the geodetic altitude to 100 to 200 km or 300 to 400 km.
Example 3: z=,200or300,400 Since the lower limit of the first range is missing, this would limit the geodetic altitude to anything below 200 km or from 300 to 400 km.
Azimuth (from -180 to 180)
az=lower az limit1, upper az limit1 [or lower az limit2 , upper az limit2 ...] (from -180 to 180 degrees)
Example 1: az=100,120 This would limit the azimuth to 100 to 120 degrees.
Example 2: az=-180,-90or90,180 This would limit the azimuth to between -180 and -90 degrees or to between 90 and 180 degrees. Note this allows a filter to go through 180 degrees.
Elevation (from 0 to 90)
el=lower el limit1, upper el limit1 [or lower el limit2 , upper el limit2 ...] (from 0 to 90)
Example 1: el=0,45 This would limit the elevation from 0 to 45 degrees.
Pulse length (in seconds)
plen=lower pl limit1, upper pl limit1 [or lower pl limit2 , upper pl limit2 ...] (pulse len in sec)
Example 1: plen=,5e-4 This would limit the pulse length to 5e-4 seconds or less.
Free form filters
filter=[mnemonic] or [mnemonic1,[+-*/]mnemonic2] , lower limit1 , upper limit1 [or lower limit2 , upper limit2 ...] (any number of filters may be added)
Example: filter=ti,500,1000or2000,3000 Limits the data to points where Ti is between 500 and 1000 degrees or between 2000 and 3000 degrees. Note that the units are always those of the Cedar standard.
Example: filter=gdalt,-,sdwht,0, This filter implies "gdalt - sdwht" must be greater than 0.0. Since sdwht is shadow height (the distance above any point on the earth where the sun is first visible), this filter implies that only data in direct sunlight will be displayed.
Example: filter=ti,/,Dti,100, Limits the data to points where the ratio Ti/dTi is more than 100.
Format options
header=t or f (defaults to header=t, show headers at the beginning of each record)
Example: header=f
badval=bad value string (defaults to "missing")
Example: badval=n/a
assumed=assumed value string (defaults to "assumed")
Example: assumed=-32766
knownbad=known bad value string (defaults to "knownbad")
Example: knownbad=WARNING-BADVALUE
mxchar=maximum characters per line (defaults to no maximum)
Example: mxchar=80
Example: isprint file=/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mil980120g.003 date1=01/20/1998 time1=15:00:00 date2=01/20/1998 time2=16:00:00 z=200,300or500,600 badval=noData filter=gdalt,-,sdwht,0, filter=ti,500,1000 uth gdalt gdlat glon ti te
This example would show data from mil980120g.003 between 15 and 16 UT on 01/20/1998 where altitude is either between 200 and 300 km or between 500 and 600 km, and where gdalt-sdwht is greater than 0 (point is in sunlight), and where ti is between 500 and 1000. "noData" would be printed if data was not available.
Usage: printCedarRecords filename firstRecord lastRecord
Usage: summarize CedarFilefilename
The format of the input file is detected automatically.
Usage: translateCedarFile inputFile outputFile outputFileFormat
This script runs a global search through Madrigal data from a given URL. It is installed when you install the Remote python API. Because it is a remote program, it can be run from any machine on the internet, using any operating system. It is a python script.
globalIsprint --url=<Madrigal url> --parms=<Madrigal parms> --output=<output file> \ --user_fullname=<user fullname> --user_fullname=<user fullname> \ --user_fullname=<user fullname> [options]
--url=<Madrigal url> - url to homepage of site to be searched (ie, http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/) This is required.
--parms=<Madrigal parms> - a comma delimited string listing the desired Madrigal parameters in mnemonic form. (Example: gdalt,dte,te). Data will be returned in the same order as given in this string. See http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata and choose "Parameter code table" for all possible parameters
--output=<output file name> - the file name to store the resulting data.
--user_fullname=<user fullname> - the full user name (probably in quotes unless your name is Sting or Madonna)
--user_email=<user email>
--user_affiliation=<user affiliation> - user affiliation. Use quotes if it contains spaces.
and options are:
--startDate=<MM/DD/YYY> - start date to filter experiments before. Defaults to allow all experiments.
--endDate=<MM/DD/YYY> - end date to filter experiments after. Defaults to allow all experiments.
--inst=<instrument list> - comma separated list of instrument codes or names. See Madrigal documentation using http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata and choose "Instrument Table" for this list. Defaults to allow all instruments. If names are given, the argument must be enclosed in double quotes. An asterick will perform matching as in glob. Examples:: --inst=10,30 --inst="Jicamarca IS Radar,Arecibo*"
--expName - filter experiments by the experiment name. Give all or part of the experiment name. Matching is case insensitive and fnmatch characters * and ? are allowed. Default is no filtering by experiment name.
--fileDesc - filter files by their file description string. Give all or part of the file description string. Matching is case insensitive and fnmatch characters * and ? are allowed. Default is no filtering by file description.--kindat=<kind of data list> - comma separated list of kind of data codes. See Madrigal documentation for this list. Defaults to allow all kinds of data. If names are given, the argument must be enclosed in double quotes. An asterick will perform matching as in glob. Examples:: --kindat=3001,13201 --kindat="INSCAL Basic Derived Parameters,*efwind*,2001"--filter=<[mnemonic] or [mnemonic1,[+-*/]mnemonic2]>,<lower limit1>,<upper limit1>[or<lower limit2>,<upper limit2>...] a filter using any measured or derived Madrigal parameter, or two Madrigal parameters either added, subtracted, multiplied or divided. Each filter has one or more allowed ranges. The filter accepts data that is in any allowed range. If the Madrigal parameter value is missing, the filter will always reject that data. Multiple filter arguments are allowed on the command line. To skip either a lower limit or an upper limit, leave it blank. Examples::filter=ti,500,1000 (Accept when 500 <= Ti <= 1000)filter=gdalt,-,sdwht,0, (Accept when gdalt > shadowheight - that is, point in direct sunlight)filter=gdalt,200,300or1000,1200 (Accept when 200 <= gdalt <= 300 OR 1000 <= gdalt <= 1200)--seasonalStartDate=<MM/DD> - seasonal start date to filter experiments before. Use this to select only part of the year to collect data. Defaults to Jan 1. Example: --seasonalStartDate=07/01 would only allow experiments after July 1st from each year.--seasonalEndDate=<MM/DD> - seasonal end date to filter experiments after. Use this to select only part of the year to collect data. Defaults to Dec 31. Example: --seasonalEndDate=10/31 would only allow experiments before Oct 31 of each year.--showFiles - if given, show file names. Default is to not show file names.--showSummary - if given, summarize all arguments at the beginning. Default is to not show summary.--includeNonDefault - if given, include all files, including history. Default is to search only default files.--missing=<missing string> (defaults to "missing")--assumed=<assumed string> (defaults to "assumed")--knownbad=<knownbad string> (defaults to "knownbad")--verbose - if given, print each file processed info to stdout. Default is to run silently.Example: globalIsprint.py --url=http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ --parms='uth,gdalt,ti' --output=test.dat --startDate=01/19/1998 --endDate=01/21/1998 --inst="Millstone*" --verbose --user_fullname="Bill Rideout" --user_email=brideout@haystack.mit.edu --user_affiliation=MITglobalIsprint.m
This script runs a global search through Madrigal data from a given URL. It is installed when you install the Remote Matlab API. Because it is a remote program, it can be run from any machine on the internet, using any operating system. It is a Matlab script. Because it uses the Matlab method urlread, which has an upper limit to the amount of data it can read in one call, it is not as robust as globalIsprint.py. It is recommended that globalIsprint.py be used instead if at all possible.
function [] = globalIsprint(url, ... parms, ... output, ... user_fullname, ... user_email, ... user_affiliation, ... startTime, ... endTime, ... inst) % globalIsprint is a script to search through the entire Madrigal database % for appropriate data to print in ascii to a file % % Inputs: % % url - url to homepage of site to be searched (Example: % 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/' % % parms - a comma delimited string listing the desired Madrigal % parameters in mnemonic form. % (Example: 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te'). % Ascii space-separated ata will be returned in the same % order as given in this string. See % http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata % "Parameter code table" for all possible parameters. % % output - the local file name to store the resulting ascii data. % (Example: '/tmp/isprint.txt') % % user_fullname - the full user name (Example: 'Bill Rideout') % % user email - Example: 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu' % % user_affiliation - Example: 'MIT' % % startTime - a Matlab time to begin search at. Example: % datenum('20-Jan-1998 00:00:00') Time in UT % % endTime - a Matlab time to end search at. Example: % datenum('21-Jan-1998 23:59:59') Time in UT % % inst - instrument code (integer). See % http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata % "Instrument Table" for this list. Examples: 30 for Millstone % Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar, 80 for Sondrestrom Incoherent % Scatter Radar % % Optional inputs % % filters - is the optional filters requested in exactly the form given in isprint % command line (example = 'filter=gdalt,,500 filter=ti,500,1000') % See: http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html for details % % kindats - is an optional array of kindat (kinds of data) codes to accept. % The default is an empty array, which will accept all kindats. % % expName - a case insensitive regular expression that matches the experiment % name. Default is zero-length string, which matches all experiment names. % % fileDesc - a case insensitive regular expression that matches the file description. % Default is zero-length string, which matches all file descriptions. % Returns: Nothing. % % Affects: Writes results to output file % % % % Example: globalIsprint('http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', ... % 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', ... % '/tmp/isprint.txt', ... % 'Bill Rideout', ... % 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', ... % 'MIT', ... % datenum('20-Jan-1998 00:00:00'), ... % datenum('21-Jan-1998 23:59:59'), ... % 30); %madrigalPColor.py
madrigalPColor.py is a command-line application that creates PColor plots from Madrigal. For example, it could be used to plot electron density versus altitude and time for a given Madrigal experiment file.
This application can be run from anywhere, and is included in the python Madrigal remote API download. Use of this module requires matplotlib (matplotlib.sourceforge.net).
python madrigalPColor.py --url=<url> --file=<file> --parm=<parm> --output=<output> --name=<name> --email=<email> --affiliation=<affiliation> [--filter=<filter> --title=<title> --startHour=startHour --endHour=endHour
--minAlt=minimum_altitude --maxAlt=maximum_altitude --minParm=minimum_parm_value
--maxParm=maximum_parameter_value]See isprint for details of how filters work.
python madrigalPColor.py --url=http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal \ --file=/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mlh980120g.002 --parm=nel \ --output=/tmp/mlh_20jan98.png --name="Bill Rideout" --email=brideout@haystack.mit.edu \ --affiliation=MIT --filter="filter=elm,80,90 filter=gdalt,,500"madrigalScatter.py
madrigalScatter.py is a command-line application that creates scatter plots from Madrigal. For example, it could be used to Kp versus time for a given Madrigal experiment file.
This application can be run from anywhere, and is included in the python Madrigal remote API download. Use of this module requires matplotlib (matplotlib.sourceforge.net).
python madrigalScatter.py --url=<url> --file=<file> --parm=<parm> --output=<output> --name=<name> --email=<email> --affiliation=<affiliation> [--filter=<filter> --title=<title> --startHour=startHour --endHour=endHour
--yMin=y_minimum --yMax=y_maximum]See isprint for details of how filters work.
python madrigalScatter.py --url=http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal \ --file=/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mlh980120g.002 --parm=systmp \ --output=/tmp/mlh_20jan98.png --name="Bill Rideout" --email=brideout@haystack.mit.edu \ --affiliation=MIT --filter="filter=elm,80,90"
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Command line interface to Madrigal | Doc home | Madrigal home |