The Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radar can use various combinations of transmitted pulse schemes and antenna motion or dwells to measure the basic ionospheric parameters with different degrees of temporal and spatial resolution. Depending on the antenna mode, some electrodynamic parameters can also be determined. Shown below are some data samples, grouped by different antenna and transmitter modes.

 Three Positions

 Elevation Scans

 Azimuth Scans

 Three Positions
Electron density
For the 27-hours of data shown here, the antenna cycled through a series of three dwells near overhead, and a combination longpulse and alternating code scheme were transmitted.  The data were integrated for the duration of each three-minute dwell, and the longpulse data provide good coverage of the F region.  The plots show the line-of-sight data for each of the three antenna positions.

   • Electron density
   • Electron temperature
   • Ion temperature

The data from the positions are combined to determine the electrodynamic parameters.

   • Resolved velocity
   • E field

The higher-resolution alternating code data provide good E region measurements.

   • Electron density
   • Electron temperature
   • Ion temperature

As can be seen in both the longpulse and alternating code data, the lack of sunlit E region or auroral precipitation is apparent from 22 to 05 UT.

From a similar mode, the longpulse line-of-site ion velocity data from the antenna position up B can be used to determine V parallel.

From these basic measurements, other parameters such as conductivity, currents, and Joule heating can be derived.


 Elevation Scans (scanning in elevation while at a fixed azimuth)
Electron density
The basic ionospheric parameters can be measured versus both altitude and latitude if the antenna is scanned in the magnetic meridian.  This plot shows Ne from a 2-1/2 minute el-scan with the data integrated for 10-sec.

   • Electron density

A series of elevation scans can be used to determine the morphology of the F region over time.  Plotting Ne, Te and Ti at the altitude slice of 450-km  is shown here.  The radar's migration under the Tongue of Ionization is apparent, as is the expected anti-correlation of Ne and Te in the F region.

   • Electron density
   • Electron temperature
   • Ion temperature

When composite scans (similar to el-scans but tipped to the east or west of overhead) are used, those data can be combined to compute the F-region ion convection versus latitude.  These comp-scans were interleaved with the el-scans shown above, and one can see the latitudinal distribution of the ion velocity.

   • Resolved velocity


 Azimuth Scans
Electron density

The radar antenna can also scan in azimuth while remaining at a fixed elevation.  The basic ionospheric parameters (Ne, Te, Ti, and Vi) can be measured in the cone over the site, as shown here for an az-scan at 30 degrees elevation, beginning at the magnetic south and moving CCW for 360 degrees.

   • Electron density

There are other transmitter pulse schemes and antenna modes, and we are happy to help you design an experiment to suit your scientific goals, or to help you interpret data already taken.