September 15, 1998      DPC Trip Report


Jeff Thayer, SRI
Craig Heinselman, SRI
Jørgen Taagholt, scientific liason officer, DPC
Poul Henrik Sørensen, deputy director, DPC
Jørgen S. Søndergaard, Greenland Home Rule representative

A morning meeting was held at the Danish Polar Center in Copenhagen to brief them on the idea of a Greenland sounding rocket campaign in late summer of 2002 at the rocket range in Kangerlussuaq near the Sondrestrom facility. Jeff Thayer briefed the attendees on the possible campaign scenario. Jørgen Taagholt provided a list of past rocket campaigns and produced a document of important issues to consider when carrying out such a rocket program today. We discussed many of the issues and were all in agreement that the issues were resolvable with proper planning and lead time.  The DPC and Greenland Home Rule representative were appreciative of involving them at the early planning stages of the project and see no immediate difficulties with the project. It was stressed, however, that this rocket campaign will be the first under the Greenland Home Rule and it will be important to keep them will informed and to address any issues.

Some of the issues raised:


Action items:

Action items for the DPC: Action items for the US rocket team: