The Sondrestrom Research Facility is now closed and not collecting new data; however, all historical data is available and now being maintained by the AMISR facility. Please contact the AMISR team for assistance accessing and interpreting data.

Sondrestrom ceased operations in May 2018. The information on this website has not been updated since May 2018.

2017 •  2016 •  2015 •  2014 •  2013 •  2012 •  2011 •  2010 •  2009 •  2008 •
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Download Chatanika/Sondrestrom Publications List (pdf)



Dhadly, M., J. Emmert, D. Drob, M. Conde, E. Doornbos, G. Shepherd, J. Makela, Q. Wu, R. Niciejewski, and A. Ridley (2017), “Seasonal dependence of geomagnetic active-time northern high-latitude upper thermospheric winds”, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 10.1002/2017JA024715.

Berjón, A., Redondas, A., Sildoja, M.-M., Nevas, S., Wilson, K., León-Luis, S. F., El Gawhary, O., and Fountoulakis, I.,“Characterization of the instrument temperature dependence of Brewer total ozone column measurements”, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 406, in review, 2017.

Akbari, H., A. Bhatt, C. La Hoz, and J. L. Semeter (2017), “Incoherent Scatter Plasma Lines:Observations and Applications”,Space Sci. Rev.doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0355-7.

Dhadly, M., J. Emmert, D. Drob, M. Conde, E. Doornbos, G. Shepherd, J. Makela, Q. Wu, R. Niciejewski, and A. Ridley (2017), “Seasonal dependence of northern high-latitude upper thermospheric winds: A quiet time climatological study based on ground-based and space-based measurements”, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023688.

Friis-Christensen, E., C.C. Finlay, M. Hesse, and K.M. Laundal, “Magnetic field perturbations from currents in the dark polar regions during quiet geomagnetic conditions,” Space Sci. Rev., doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0332-1, 2017.


Cosgrove, R.B., “Does a localized plasma disturbance in the ionosphere evolve to electrostatic equilibrium? Evidence to the contrary,” J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 649-687, doi:10.1002/2015JA021672, 2016.

Dombrowski, M.P., J. LaBelle, D.G. McGaw, and M.C. Broughton, “An autonomous receiver/digital signal processor applied to ground-based and rocket-borne wave experiments,” J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA022441, 2016.

Hurd, L.D., and M.F. Larsen, “Small-scale fluctuations in barium drifts at high latitudes and associated Joule heating effects,” J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 779-789, doi:10.1002/2015JA021868, 2016.

LaBelle, J., and Y. Chen, “Right-hand polarized 4ƒce auroral roar, 1: observations,” J. Geophys. Res., 10.1002/2016JA022890, 2016.

Vierinen, J., A. Bhatt, M.A. Hirsch, A. Strømme, J.L. Semeter, S-R Zhang, and P.J. Erickson, “High temporal resolution observations of auroral electron density using superthermal electron enhancement of Langmuir waves,” J. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 5979-5987, doi:10.1002/2016GL069283, 2016.

Yang, S.-G., B.-C. Zhang, H.-X. Fang, Y. Kamide, C.-Y. Li, J.-M. Liu, S.-R. Zhang, R.-Y. Liu, Q.-H. Zhang, and H.-Q. Hu, “New evidence of dayside plasma transportation over the polar cap to the prevailing dawn sector in the polar upper atmosphere for solar-maximum winter,” J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 5626-5638, doi:10.1002/2015JA022171, 2016.

Zhang, S.-R., J. Holt, P. Erickson, L. Goncharekno, M. Nicolls, M. McCready, and J. Kelly, “Ionospheric ion temperature climate and upper atmospheric long-term cooling,” J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2016JA022971, 2016.

Zhang, Q.-H., J. Moen, M. Lockwood, I. McCrea, B.-C. Zhang, K.A. McWilliams, Q.-G. Zong, S.-R. Zhang, J.M. Ruohoniemi, E.G. Thomas, M.W. Dunlop, R.-Y. Liu, H.-G. Yang, H.-Q. Hu, and M. Lester, “Polar cap patch transportation beyond the classic scenario,” J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA022443, 2016.

Zhu, J., A.J. Ridley, and Y. Deng, “Simulating electron and ion temperature in a global ionosphere thermosphere model: Validation and modeling an idealized substorm,” 138, 243-260, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.01.005, 2016.



Immel, T.J., G. Liu, S.L. England, L.P. Goncharenko, P.J. Erickson, M.V. Lyashenko, M.A. Milla, J. Chau, H.U. Frey, S.B. Mende, Q. Zhou, A. Strømme, and L.J. Paxton, “The August 2011 URSI World Day campaign: Initial results,” J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 134, 47-55, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.09.005, 2015.

Kaeppler, S.R., D.L. Hampton, M.J. Nicolls, A. Strømme, S.C. Solomon, J.H. Hecht, and M.G. Conde, “An investigation comparing ground-based techniques that quantify auroral electron flux and conductance,” J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JA021396, 2015.

Kim, H., C.R. Clauer, M.J. Engebretson, J. Matzka, D.G. Sibeck, H.J. Singer, C. Stolle, D.R. Weimer, and Z. Xu, “Conjugate observations of traveling convection vortices associated with transient events at the magnetopause,” J. Geophys. Res., 120, 2015-2035. doi:10.1002/2014JA020743, 2015.

Liu, J., T. Nakamura, L. Liu, W. Wang, N. Balan, T. Nishiyama, M. Hairston, and E. Thomas, “Formation of polar ionospheric tongue of ionization during minor geomagnetic disturbed conditions,” J. Geophys. Res., 12-, 6860-6873, doi/10.1002/2015JA021393, 2015.

Maltseva, O.A., N.S. Mozhaeva, T.V. Nikitenko, “Comparative analysis of two new empirical models IRI-Plas and NGM (the Neustrelitz Global Model),” 55, 2086-2098, Adv. in Space Res., 2015.

Oberheide, J., K. Shiokawa, S. Gurubaran, W. Ward, H. Fujiwara, M. Kosch, J. Makela, and H. Takahashi, “The geospace response to variable inputs from the lower atmosphere: a review of the progress made by Task Group 4 of CAWSES-II,” Prog. in Earth and Planet. Sci., doi:10.1186/s40645-014-0031-4, 2015.

Polekh, N.M., E.B. Romanova, K.G. Ratovsky, J.K. Shi, X. Wang, and G. Wang, “Studying the G condition occurrence in different latitudes under solar minimum: Observation and modeling,” J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 130, 132-141, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.06.001, 2015.

Valladares, C.E., T. Pedersen, and R. Sheehan, “Polar cap patches observed during the magnetic storm of November 2003: observations and modeling,” Ann. Geophys, doi:10.5194/angeo-33-1117-2015, 2015.

van der A, R.J., M.A.F. Allaart, and H.J. Eskes, “Extended and refined multi sensor reanalysis of total ozone for the period 1970-2012,” Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3021-3035, doi:10.5194/amt-8-3021-2015, 2015.



Cosgrove, R.B., H. Bahcivan, S. Chen, R.J. Strangeway, J. Ortega, M. Alhassan, Y. Xu, M. Van Welie, J. Rehberger, S. Musielak, and N. Cahill, "Empirical Model of Poynting Flux Derived from FAST Data," J. Geophys. Res., 119, 1, 411-430, doi:10.1002/2013JA019105, 2014.

Jackel, B.J., C. Unick, M.T. Syrjäsuo, N. Partamies, J.A. Wild, E.E. Woodfield, I. McWhirter, E. Kendall, and E. Spanswick, "Auroral spectral estimation with wide-band color mosaic CCDs," Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 3, 71-94, doi:10.5194/gi-3-71-2014, 2014.

Kaeppler, S.R., M.J. Nicolls, A. Strømme, C.A. Kletzing, and S.R. Bounds, “Observations in the E-region ionosphere of kappa distribution functions associated with precipitating auroral electrons and discrete aurorae,” J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JA020356, 2014.

Oltrogge, D.L., P. North, and M. Nicolls, “Multi-phenomenology Observation Network Evaluation Tool (MONET),” Proceedings of the 2014 AMOS Conference, 2014.

Panicciari, T., N.D. Smith, F. Da Dalt, C.N. Mitchell and G.S. Bust, “Mitigation of Ionospheric Threats to GNSS: an Appraisal of the Scientific and Technological Outputs of the TRANSMIT Project,” in Multiresolution Tomography of Ionospheric Electron Density, Edited by Riccardo Notarpietro, Fabio Dovis, Giorgiana De Franceschi and Marcio Aquino, ISBN 978-953-51-1642-4, Publisher: InTech, doi:10.5772/58550, 2014.

Pradipta, R., C.E. Valladares, and P.H. Doherty, “GPS observation of continent-size traveling TEC pulsations at the starat of geomagnetic storms,” J. Geophys. Res., 119, 8, 6913-6924, doi:10.1002/2014JA020177, 2014.

Sánchez, E.R., and A. Strømme, “Incoherent scatter radar-FAST satellite common volume observations of upflow-to-outflow conversion,” J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JA019096, 2014.



Baumgaertner, A.J.G., J.P. Thayer, R.R. Neely, and G. Lucas, "Toward a comprehensive global electric circuit model: Atmospheric conductivity and its variability in DESM1 (WACCM) model simulations," 118, 16, 9221-9232, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/jgrd.50725, 2013.

Engebretson, M.J., T.K. Yeoman, K. Oksavik, F. Søraas, F. Sigernes, J. I. Moen, M.G. Johnsen, V.A. Pilipenko, J.L. Posch, M.R. Lessard, B. Lavraud, M.D. Hartinger, L.B.N. Clausen, T. Raita, and C. Stolle, "Multi-instrument observations from Svalbard of a traveling convection vortex, electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave burst, and proton precipitation associated with a bow shock instability," J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6, 2975-2997, doi:10.1002/jgra.50291, 2013.

Keiling, A., E. Donovan, F. Bagenal, and T. Karlsson, “Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets,” John Wiley & Sons, May 9, 2013.

Kim, H., X. Cai, C.R. Clauer, B.S.R. Kunduri, J. Matzka, C. Stolle, and D.R. Weimer, "Geomagnetic response to solar wind dynamic pressure impulse events at high-latitude conjugate points," J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6055-6071, doi:10.1002/jgra.50555, 2013.

Matsuo, K., B.F. Chao, T. Otsubo, and K. Heki, "Accelerated ice mass depletion revealed by low-degree gravity field from satellite laser ranging: Greenland, 1991-2011," Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1-6, doi:10.1002/grl.50900, 2013.

McCready, M.A. and C.J. Heinselman, "The Chatanika and Sondrestrom Radars -a brief history," Hist. Geo. Space Sci., 1, 106, doi:10.5194/hgss-1-1-2013, 2013.

Mertens, C.J., X. Xu, D. Bilitza, M.G. Mlynczak, and J.M. Russell, "Empirical STORM-E model: II. Geomagnetic corrections to nighttime ionospheric E-region electron densities," Adv. Space Res., 51, 575-598, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.09.014, 2013.

Michell, R.G. and M. Samara,"Observability of NEIALs with the Sondrestrom and Poker Flat incoherent scatter radars," J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.12.008i, 2013.

Neely, R.R., M. Hayman, R. Stillwell, J.P. Thayer, R.M. Hardesty, M. O'Neill, M.D. Shupe, C. Alvarez, "Polarization lidar at Summit, Greenland, for the detection of cloud phase and particle orientation," 30, 8, 1635-1655, J. Atmos. & Oceanic Tech., 2013.

Posch, J.L., M.J. Engebretson, A.J. Witte, D.L. Murr, M.R. Lessard, M.G. Johnsen, H.J. Singer, and M.D. Hartinger, "Simultaneous traveling convection vortex (TCV) events and Pc1 wave bursts at cusp latitudes observed in Arctic Canada and Svalbard," J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1-12, doi:10.1002/jgra.50604, 2013.

Walter, F., M. Olivieri, and J.F. Clinton, “Calving event detection by observation of seiche effects on the Greenland fjords,” J. Glaciology, 59, 213, doi:10.3189/2013JoG12J118, 2013.



Amundson, J.M., J.F. Clinton, M. Fahnestock, M. Truffer, M.P. Lüthi, and R. Motyka, “Observing calving-generated ocean waves with coastal broadband seismometers, Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland,” Annals of Glaciology, 53, Number 60, pp. 79-84(6), 2012.

Broughton, M.C., J. LaBelle, G.T. Roberg-Clark, M.A. McCready, N.L. Bunch, "Experimental tests of a topside generation mechanism for auroral medium frequency radio emissions," J. Geophys. Res., 117, A12, doi:10.1029/2012JA018034, 2012.

Cosgrove, R.B. and E. Sanchez, "Correlation as a global measure of geomagnetic activity: Phase boundaries and a precedent line of nodes," J. Geophys. Res., 117, A6, doi:10.1029/2011JA017483, 2012.

Hartinger, M., V. Angelopoulos, M.B. Moldwin, Y. Nishimura, D.L. Turner, K.-H. Glassmeier, M.G. Kivelson, J. Matzka, and C. Stolle, 2012. "Observations of a Pc5 global (cavity/waveguide) mode outside the plasmasphere by THEMIS," J. Geophys. Res., 117, 6, A06202, 2012.

Lu, G., L. Goncharenko, M.J. Nicolls, A. Maute, A. Coster, and L.J. Paxton, "Ionospheric and thermospheric variations associated with prompt penetration electric fields," J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08312, doi:10.1029/2012JA017769, 2012.

Shi, Y., E. Zesta, L.R. Lyons, X. Xing, V. Angelopoulos, E. Donovan, M.A. McCready, C.J. Heinselman, "Multi-point observations of substorm pre-onset flows and time sequence in the ionosphere and magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JA017185, 2012.

Walter, F., J.M. Amundson, S. O’Neel, M. Truffer, M. Fahnestock, and H.A. Fricker (2012), “Analysis of low-frequency seismic signals generated during a multiple-iceberg calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, J. Geophys. Res., 117,F01036, doi:10.1029/2011JF002132, 2012.

Weygand, J. M., O. Amm, V. Angelopoulos, S.E. Milan, A. Grocott, H. Gleisner, and C. Stolle, "Comparison between SuperDARN flow vectors and equivalent ionospheric currents from ground magnetometer arrays," J. Geophys. Res., 117, A05325, doi:10.1029/2011JA017407, 2012.

Yang, J., F.R. Toffoletto, R.A. Wolf, S. Sazykin, P.A. Ontiveros, and J.M. Weygand, ”Large-scale current systems and ground magnetic disturbance during deep substorm injections,” J. Geophys. Res.,117, A04223, doi:10.1029/2011JA017415, 2012.

Zettergren, M. and J.L. Semeter, "Ionospheric plasma transport and loss in auroral downward current regions," J. Geophys. Res., 117, A06306, doi:10.1029/2012JA017637, 2012.



Cosgrove, R., M. McCready, R. Tsunoda and A. Strømme, "The bias on the Joule heating estimate: Small-scale variability versus resolved-scale model uncertainty and the correlation of electric field and conductance," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A09320, doi:10.1029/2011JA016665, 2011.

Korotova, G.I., D.G. Sibeck, A. Weatherwax, V. Angelopoulos and V. Styazhkin, "THEMIS observations of a transient event at the magnetopause," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A07224, doi:10.1029/2011JA016606, 2011.

LaBelle, J., "An explanation for the fine structure of MF burst emissions," Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L03105, doi:10.1029/2010GL046218, 2011.

Mackay, C. and A.C. Fraser-Smith, "World coverage for single station lightning detection," Radio Sci., 46, RS0M01, doi:10/1029/2010RS004600, 2011.

Neely, R.R. and J.P. Thayer, "Raman lidar profiling of tropospheric water vapor over Kangerlussuaq, Greenland," J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 28, 1141-1148, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-10-05021.1, 2011.

Nerem, R.S. and J. Wahr, "Recent changes in the Earth's oblateness driven by Greenland and Antarctic ice mass loss," Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L13501, doi:10.1029/2011GL047879, 2011.

Tomita, S., M. Nosé, T. Iyemori, H. Toh, M. Takeda, J. Matzka, G. Bjornsson, T. Saemundsson, A. Janzhura, O. Troshichev, and G. Schwarz, "Magnetic local time dependence of geomagnetic disturbances contributing to the AU and AL indices," Ann. Geophys., 29, pp. 673-678, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-673-2011, 2011.

Volwerk, M., J. Berchem, Y.V. Bogdanova, O.D. Constantinescu, M.W. Dunlop, J.P. Eastwood, P. Escoubet, A.N. Fazakerley, H. Frey, H. Hasegawa, B. Lavraud, E.V. Panov, C. Shen, J.K. Shi, M.G.G.T. Taylor, J. Wang, J.A. Wild, Q.-H. Zhang, O. Amm and J.M. Weygand, “Interplanetary magnetic field rotations followed from L1 to the ground:  the response of the Earth’s magnetosphere as seen by multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations,” Ann. Geophys., 29, 1549-1569, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1-2011, 2011.

Weygand, J.M., O. Amm, A. Viljanen, V. Angelopoulos, D. Murr, M.J. Engebretson, H. Gleisner and I. Mann, "Application and validation of the spherical elementary currents systems technique for deriving ionospheric equivalent currents with the North American and Greenland ground magnetometer arrays," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A03305, doi:10.1029/2010JA016177, 2011.

Wilder, F.D., C.R. Clauer, J.B.H. Baker, and P.T. Newell, “Interhemispheric observations of dayside convection under northward IMF,” J. Geophys. Res., 116, A10230, doi:10.1029/2011JA016748, 2011.

Wissing, J.M., M.-B. Kallenrode, J. Kieser, H. Schmidt, M.T. Reitveld, A. Strømme and P.J. Erickson, "Atmospheric Ionization Module Osnabrück (AIMOS):  3. Comparison of electron density simulations by AIMOS-HAMMONIA and incoherent scatter radar measurements," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A08305, doi:10.1029/2010JA016300, 2011.

Xiong, B., W. Wan, L. Liu, P. Withers, B. Zhao, B. Ning, Y. Wei, H. Le, Z. Ren, Y. Chen, M. He and J. Liu, "Ionospheric response to the X-class solar flare on 7 September 2005," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A11317, doi:10.1029/2011JA016961, 2011.

Zesta, E., Y. Shi, E. Donovan, E. Spanswick, L.R. Lyons, V. Angelopoulos, J.P. McFadden, C.W. Carlson, H.-U. Auster, S. Mende, M.A. McCready, C.J. Heinselman and E. Kendall, "Ionospheric convection signatures of tail fast flows during substorms and Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBI)," Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08105, doi:10.1029/2011GL046758, 2011.

Zettergren, M., J. Semeter, C. Heinselman, and M. Diaz, "Incoherent scatter radar estimation of F-region ionospheric composition during frictional heating events," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A01318, doi:10.1029/2010JA016035, 2011.



Bahcivan, H. and R.B. Cosgrove, "On the generation of large wave parallel electric fields responsible for electron heating in the high-latitude E region," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10304, doi:10.1029/2010JA015424, 2010.

Erickson, P.J., L.P. Goncharenko, M.J. Nicolls, M. Ruohoniemi and M.C. Kelley, "Dynamics of North American sector ionospheric and thermospheric response during the November 2004 superstorm," J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 72(4), 292–301, doi:10.1016/jastp.2009.04.001, 2010.

Fernandez, J.R., C.J. Mertens, D. Bilitza, X. Xu, J.M. Russell, and M.G. Mlynczak, “Feasibility of developing and ionospheric E-region electron density storm model using TIMED/SABER meaasurements,” Adv. Space Res., 46, 1070-1077, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.06.008, 2010.

Hayman, M., and J.P. Thayer, "Lidar polarization measurements of PMCs," J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.08.007, 2010.

Khan, S. A., L. Liu, J. Wahr, I. Howat, I. Joughin, T. van Dam, and K. Fleming (2010), GPS measurements of crustal uplift near Jakobshavn Isbræ due to glacial ice mass loss, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B09405, doi:10.1029/2010JB007490, 2010.

Khan, S.A., J. Wahr, M. Bevis, I. Velicogna and E. Kendrick, "Spread of ice mass loss into northwest Greenland observed by GRACE and GPS," J. Geophys. Res., 37, L06501, doi:10.1029/2010GL042460, 2010.

Kelley, M.C., M.J. Nicolls, R.H. Varney, R.L. Collins, R. Doe, J.M.C. Plane, J. Thayer, M. Taylor, B. Thurairajah and K. Mizutani, "Radar, lidar, and optical observations in the polar summer mesosphere shortly after a space shuttle launch," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A05304, doi:10.1029/2009JA014938, 2010.

Lyons, L.R., Y. Nishimura, Y. Shi, S. Zou, H.-J. Kim, V. Angelopoulos, C. Heinselman, M.J. Nicolls and K.-H. Fornacon, "Substorm triggering by new plasma intrusion: Incoherent-scatter radar observations," J. Geophys. Res.,115, A07223, doi:10.1029/2009JA015168, 2010.

Mackay, C. and A.C. Fraser-Smith, "Lightning location using the slow tails of sferics," Radio Sci., 45, RS5010, doi:10.1029/2010RS004405, 2010.

Momani, M.A., B. Yatim and M.A. Mohd Ali, “Ionospheric and geomagnetic response to the total solar eclipse on 1 August 2008 over Northern Hemisphere,” J. Geophys. Res., 115, A08321, doi:10.1029/2009JA014999, 2010.

Taguchi, S., K. Hosokawa, S. Suzuki, A. Tawara, H.U. Frey, J. Matzka, A.S. Yukimatu, and N. Sato, "Plasma flow during the brightening of proton aurora in the cusp," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10308, doi:10.1029/2010JA015535, 2010.

Thurairajah, B., R.L. Collins, V.L. Harvey, R.S. Lieberman, M. Gerding, K. Mizutani, and J.M. Livingston, "Gravity wave activity in the Arctic stratosphere and mesosphere during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 stratospheric sudden warming events," J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00N06, doi:10.1029/2010JD014125, 2010.

Simms, L.E., V.A. Pilipenko, and M.J. Engebretson, "Determining the key drivers of magnetospheric Pc5 wave power," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10241, doi:10.1029/2009JA015025, 2010.

van Dam, T., Z. Altamimi, X. Collilieux, and J. Ray, "Topographically induced height errors in predicted atmospheric loading effects," J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07415, doi:10.1029/2009JB006810, 2010.

Weimer, D.R., C.R. Clauer, M.J. Engebretson, T.L. Hansen, H. Gleisner, I. Mann and K. Yumoto, "Statistical maps of geomagnetic perturbations as a function of the interplanetary magnetic field," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10320, doi:10.1029/2010JA015540, 2010.

Zettergren, M., J. Semeter, C. Heinselman, M. Diaz, and P.-L. Blelly, "Dynamic variability in F-region ionospheric composition at auroral arc boundaries," Ann. Geophys., 28, 651-664,, 2010.

Zhang, S.-R., J.M. Holt, A.P. van Eyken, C. Heinselman and M. McCready, "IPY observations of ionospheric yearly variations from high to middle latitude incoherent scatter radars," J. Geophys. Res., 115, A03303, doi:10.1029/2009JA014327, 2010.



Brower L., J.P. Thayer, J.-P. St.-Maurice, "Frictionally heated electrons in the high-latitude D region," J. Geophys. Res., 114, A12302, doi:10.1029/2009JA014421, 2009.

Cosgrove, R.B., G. Lu, H. Bahcivan, T. Matsuo, C.J. Heinselman and M.A. McCready, "Comparison of AMIE modeled and Sondrestrom measured Joule heating: a study in model resolution and electric field/conductivity correlation," J. Geophys. Res., 114, A04316, doi:10.1029/2008JA013508, 2009.

Cosgrove, R.B. and M. Codrescu, "Electric-field-variability and model uncertainty: a classification of source terms in estimating the squared-electric-field from an electric field model," J. Geophys. Res., 114, A06301, doi:10.1029/2008JA013929, 2009.

Dou, X., T. Li, J. Xu, H.-L. Liu, X. Xue, S. Wang, T. Leblanc, I.S. McDermid, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, H. Bencherif, C.J. Heinselman, W. Steinbrecht, M.G. Mlynczak and J.M. Russell III, "Seasonal oscillations of middle atmosphere temperature observed by Rayleigh lidars and their comparisons with TIMED/SABER observations," J. Geophys. Res., 114, D20103, doi:10.1029/2008JD011654, 2009.

Erickson, P.J., L.P. Goncharenko, M.J. Nicolls, M. Ruohoniemi and M.C. Kelley, "Dynamics of North American sector ionospheric and thermospheric response during the November 2004 superstorm," J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2009.04.001, 2009.

Hayman, M., and J.P. Thayer, "Explicit description of polarization coupling in lidar applications," Opt. Lett., 34(5), 611–613, doi:10.1364/OL.34.000611, 2009.

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Caudal, G., O. de la Beaujardière, D. Alcaydé, J. Holt and G. Lejeune, "Simultaneous Measurements of the Electrodynamic Parameters of the Auroral Ionosphere by the EISCAT, Chatanika, and Millstone Hill Radars," Ann. Geophys., 2, 369–376, 1984.

Clauer, C.R., P.M. Banks, A.Q. Smith, T.S. Jørgensen, E. Friis-Christensen, S. Vennerstrøm, V.B. Wickwar, J.D. Kelly and J. Doupnik, "Observation of Interplanetary Magnetic Field and of Ionospheric Plasma Convection in the Vicinity of the Dayside Polar Cleft," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 891–894, 1984.

de la Beaujardière, O., and R.A. Heelis, "Velocity Spike at the Poleward Edge of the Auroral Zone," J. Geophys. Res., 89(A3), 1627–1634, 1984.

de la Beaujardière, O., V.B. Wickwar, M.J. Baron, J. Holt, R.M. Wand, W.L. Oliver, P. Bauer, M. Blanc, C. Senior, D. Alcaydé, G. Caudal, J. Foster, E. Nielsen and R. Heelis, "MITHRAS: A Brief Description," Radio Sci., 19(2), 665–673, 1984.

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Foster, J.C., "Ionospheric Signatures of Magnetospheric Convection," J. Geophys. Res., 89(A2), 855–865, 1984.

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Jørgensen, T.S., E. Friis-Christensen, V.B. Wickwar, J.D. Kelly, C.R. Clauer and P.M. Banks, "On the Reversal from `Sunward' to `Antisunward' Plasma Convection in the Dayside High Latitude Ionosphere," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 887–890, 1984.

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Kelly, J.D., and J.F. Vickrey, "F Region Ionospheric Structure Associated with Antisunward Flow Near the Dayside Polar Cusp," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 907–910, 1984.

Kofman, W., and V.B. Wickwar, "Very High Electron Temperatures in the Daytime F Region at Sondrestrom," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 919–922, 1984.

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Murdin, J., J.J. Sojka and R.W. Schunk, "Diurnal Transport Effects on the F Region Plasma at Chatanika Under Quiet and Disturbed Conditions," Planet. Space Sci., 32(1), 47–61, 1984.

Oliver, W.L., J.C. Foster, J.M. Holt, G.B. Loriot, V.B. Wickwar, J.D. Kelly, O. de la Beaujardière, P.F. Bythrow, C.I. Meng, F.J. Rich and R.E. Huffman, "Initial Millstone Hill, Sondrestrom, and HILAT Observations of Thermospheric Temperatures and Frictional Heating," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 911–914, 1984.

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Vennerstrøm, V., E. Friis-Christensen, T.S. Jørgensen, O. Rasmussen, C.R. Clauer and V.B. Wickwar, "Ionospheric Currents and F Region Plasma Boundaries Near the Dayside Cusp," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 903–906, 1984.

Villain, J.P., R.A. Greenwald and J.F. Vickrey, "HF Ray Tracing at High Latitudes Using Measured Meridional Electron Density Distributions," Radio Sci., 19(1), 359–374, 1984.

Wickwar, V.B., "Thermospheric Neutral Wind at -39_ Azimuth During the Daytime Sector at Sondrestrom," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 927–930, 1984.

Wickwar, V.B., and J.W. Meriwether, "The Polar Ionosphere: Editorial," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 881–882, 1984.

Wickwar, V.B., and W. Kofman, "Dayside Red Auroras at Very High Latitudes: The Importance of Thermal Excitation," Geophys. Res. Lett., 11(9), 923–926, 1984.

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Kamide, Y., and J.F. Vickrey, "Variability of the Harang Discontinuity as Observed by the Chatanika Radar and the IMS Alaska Magnetometer Chain," Geophys. Res. Lett., 10(2), 159–162, 1983.

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Horwitz, J.L, J.R. Doupnik, P.M. Banks, Y. Kamide and S.-I. Akasofu, "The Latitudinal Distributions of Auroral Zone Electric Fields and Ground Magnetic Perturbations and Their Response to Variations in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field," J. Geophys. Res., 83(A5), 2071–2084, 1978.

Horwitz, J.L., J.R. Doupnik and P.M. Banks, "Chatanika Radar Observations of the Latitudinal Distributions of Auroral Zone Electric Fields, Conductivities, and Currents," J. Geophys. Res., 83(A4), 1463–1481, 1978.

Kamide, Y., and J.L. Horwitz, "Chatanika Radar Observations of Ionospheric and Field-Aligned Currents," J. Geophys. Res., 83(A3), 1063–1070, 1978.

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Banks, P.M., "Observations of Joule and Particle Heating in the Auroral Zone," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 39, 179–193, 1977.

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Bates, H.F., and T.D. Roberts, "The Southward Midnight Surge in F Layer Wind Observed with the Chatanika Incoherent Scatter Radar," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 39, 87–93, 1977.

Benson, R.F., P. Bauer, L.H. Brace, H.C. Carlson, J. Hagen, W.B. Hanson, W.R. Hoegy, M.R. Torr, R.H. Wand and V.B. Wickwar, "Electron and Ion Temperatures-A Comparison of Ground Based Incoherent Scatter and AE-C Satellite Measurements," J. Geophys. Res., 82(1), 36–42, 1977.

Brekke, A., R.T. Tsunoda and M.J. Baron, "On Auroral Electrojet Curvature and the Interpretation of Azimuth-Scan, Radar Doppler Data," Radio Sci., 12(1), 141–149, 1977.

de la Beaujardière, O., R. Vondrak and M.J. Baron, "Radar Observations of Electric Fields and Currents Associated with Auroral Arcs," J. Geophys. Res., 82(32), 5051–5062, 1977.

Doupnik, J.R., A. Brekke and P.M. Banks, "Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations During Three Sudden Commencements and a PC5 Event on August 4, 1972," J. Geophys. Res., 82(4), 499–514, 1977.

Ecklund, W.L., B.B. Balsley and D.A. Carter, "A Preliminary Comparison of F Region Plasma Drifts and E Region Irregularity Drifts in the Auroral Zone," J. Geophys. Res., 82(1), 195–197, 1977.

Heacock, R.R., and R.D. Hunsucker, "Pi 1-2 Magnetic Field Pulsations on Dayside Cleft Field Lines," Nature, 269(5626), 313–314, 1977.

Hunsucker, R.D., "Estimate of the Relative Importance of Joule Heating and the Lorentz Force in Generating Atmospheric Gravity Waves from the Auroral Electrojet," J. Geophys. Res., 82(29), 4826–4828, 1977.

Hunsucker, R.D., "Selected Ionograms from College, Alaska, with Interpretative Comments," Ionosphere Station Information Bulletin No. 4 (INA6-24), World Data Center, Boulder, Colo., 9–20, 1977.

Kamide, Y.R., and A. Brekke, "Altitude of the Eastward and Westward Auroral Electrojets," J. Geophys. Res., 82(19), 2851–2853, 1977.

Perreault, P.D., M. J. Baron and H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, "Comparison of Chatanika Radar and Optical Measurements of E Region Neutral Winds," Geophys. Res. Lett., 4(12), 573–576, 1977.

Rino, C.L., A. Brekke and M.J. Baron, "High-Resolution Auroral Zone E Region Neutral Wind and Current Measurements by Incoherent Scatter Radar," J. Geophys. Res., 82(16), 2295–2304, 1977.

Shaw, G.E., and R.D. Hunsucker, "A Study of Possible Correlation Between Fair-Weather Electric Field and Auroral Activity," in Electrical Processes in Atmospheres [Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity held at Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), 2-7 September 1974], H. Dolezalek and R. Reiter Eds., 576–581, Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1977.

Siren, J.C., J.R. Doupnik and W.L. Ecklund, "A Comparison of Auroral Currents Measured by the Chatanika Radar with 50-MHz Backscatter Observed from Anchorage," J. Geophys. Res., 82(28), 3577–3584, 1977.

Vondrak, R.R., and M.J. Baron, "A Method of Obtaining the Energy Distribution of Auroral Electrons from Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements," in Radar Probing of the Auroral Plasma, [Proceedings of the EISCAT Summer School, Tromsø, Norway, June 5-13, 1975] A. Brekke, Ed., 315–330, Universitetsforlaget, Tromsø-Oslo-Bergen, 1977.

Watt, T.M., "Characteristics of the Polar D Region Determined by Radar and Satellite Measurements," in Radar Probing of the Auroral Plasma, [Proceedings of the EISCAT Summer School, Tromsø, Norway, June 5–13, 1975] A. Brekke, Ed., 385–405, Universitetsforlaget, Tromsø-Oslo-Bergen, 1977.

Wedde, T., J.R. Doupnik and P.M. Banks, "Chatanika Observations of the Latitudinal Structure of Electric Fields and Particle Precipitation on November 21, 1975," J. Geophys. Res., 82(19), 2743–2751, 1977.

Wedde, T., J.R. Doupnik, P.M. Banks, R.J. Park and J.C. Siren, "Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations During August 4-7, 1972," Radio Sci., 12(2), 285–306, 1977.

Yasuhara, F., and S.-I. Akasofu, "Field-Aligned Currents and Ionospheric Electric Fields," J. Geophys. Res., 82(7), 1279–1284, 1977.



Balsley, B.B., and D.T. Farley, "Auroral Zone Winds Detected Near the Tropopause with the Chatanika UHF Doppler Radar," Geophys. Res. Lett., 3(8), 525–528, 1976.

Brekke, A., "Electric Fields, Joule and Particle Heating in the High Latitude Thermosphere," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 38, 887–895, 1976.

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Kamide, Y., F. Yasuhara and S.-I. Akasofu, "A Model Current System for the Magnetospheric Substorm," Planet. Space Sci., 24, 215–222, 1976.

Kamide, Y., S.-I. Akasofu and A. Brekke, "Ionospheric Currents Obtained from the Chatanika Radar and Ground Magnetic Perturbations at the Auroral Latitude," Planet. Space Sci., 24, 193–201, 1976.

Reagan, J.B., and T.M. Watt, "Simultaneous Satellite and Radar Studies of the D Region Ionosphere During the Intense Solar Particle Events of August 1972," J. Geophys. Res., 81(25), 4579–4596, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., and E.J. Fremouw, "Radar Auroral Substorm Signatures 1, Expansive and Recovery Phases," J. Geophys. Res., 81(34), 6148–6158, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., "Doppler Velocity Maps of the Diffuse Radar Aurora," J. Geophys. Res., 81(4), 425–435, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., and E.J. Fremouw, "Radar Auroral Substorm Signatures 2, East-West Motions," J. Geophys. Res., 81(34), 6159–6168, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., and R.I. Presnell, "On a Threshold Electric Field Associated with the 398-MHz Diffuse Radar Aurora," J. Geophys. Res., 81(1), 88–96, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., R.I. Presnell and T.A. Potemra, "The Spatial Relationship Between the Evening Radar Aurora and Field-Aligned Currents," J. Geophys. Res., 18(22), 3791–3802, 1976.

Tsunoda, R.T., R.I. Presnell, Y. Kamide and S.-I. Akasofu, "Relationship of Radar Aurora, Visual Aurora and Auroral Electrojets in the Evening Sector," J. Geophys. Res., 81(34), 6005–6015, 1976.

Vondrak, R.R., and M.J. Baron, "Radar Measurements of the Latitudinal Variation of Auroral Ionization," Radio Sci., 11(11), 939–946, 1976.

Wilson, C.R., R.D. Hunsucker and G.J. Romick, "An Auroral Infrasonic Substorm Investigation Using Chatanika Radar and Other Geophysical Sensors," Planet. Space Sci., 24, 1155–1175, 1976.



Banks, P.M., "Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling II: Electric Fields," Revs. Geophys., 13(3), 874–878, 1975.

Banks, P.M., and J.R. Doupnik, "A Review of Auroral Zone Electrodynamics Deduced from Incoherent-Scatter Radar Observations," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 37, 951–972, 1975.

Brekke, A., "The Effective Recombination Coefficient Measured in the Auroral E Region During a Sudden Commencement Electron Precipitation Event," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 37, 825–833, 1975.

Carpenter, L.A., and V.W.J.H. Kirchhoff, "Comparison of High-Latitude and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Electric Fields," J. Geophys. Res., 80(13), 1810–1814, 1975.

Ecklund, W.L., B.B. Balsley and R.A. Greenwald, "Crossed-Beam Measurements of the Diffuse Radar Aurora," J. Geophys. Res., 80(13), 1805–1809, 1975.

Fontheim, E.G., "Beam-Plasma Interactions as a Heat Source in the Magnetosphere," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 2(4), 150, 1975.

Hunsucker, R.D., "Chatanika Radar Investigation of High Latitude E Region Ionization Structure and Dynamics," Radio Sci., 10(3), 277–288, 1975.

Hunsucker, R.D., G.J. Romick, W.L. Ecklund, R.A. Greenwald, B.B. Balsley and R.T. Tsunoda, "Structure and Dynamics of Ionization and Auroral Luminosity During the Auroral Events of March 16, 1972, Near Chatanika, Alaska," Radio Sci., 10(8/9), 813–821, 1975.

Kamide, Y., and A. Brekke, "Auroral Electrojet Current Density Deduced from the Chatanika Radar and from the Alaska Meridian Chain of Magnetic Observatories," J. Geophys. Res., 80(4), 587–594, 1975.

Kelley, M.C., and F.S. Mozer, "Simultaneous Measurements of the Horizontal Components of the Earth's Electric Field in the Atmosphere and in the Ionosphere," J. Geophys. Res., 80(22), 3275–3276, 1975.

Schunk, R.W., and P.M. Banks, "Auroral N2 Vibrational Excitation and the Electron Density Trough," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 2(6), 239, 1975.

Swift, D.W., "The Effect of Electric Fields and Ion-Neutral Collisions on Thomson Scatter Spectra," J. Geophys. Res., 80(31), 4380–4382, 1975.

Tsunoda, R.T., "Electric Field Measurements Above a Radar Scattering Volume Producing `Diffuse' Auroral Echoes," J. Geophys. Res., 80(31), 4297–4306, 1975.

Wickwar, V.B., "Chatanika Radar Measurements," in Atmospheres of Earth and the Planets, 111–124, B.M. McCormac, Ed., D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1975.

Wickwar, V.B., M.J. Baron and R.D. Sears, "Auroral Energy Input from Energetic Electrons and Joule Heating at Chatanika," J. Geophys. Res., 80(31), 4364–4367, 1975.



Banks, P.M., C.L. Rino and V.B. Wickwar, "Incoherent-Scatter Radar Observations of Westward Electric Fields and Plasma Densities in the Auroral Ionosphere, I," J. Geophys. Res., 9(1), 187–198, 1974.

Baron, M.J., "Electron Densities with Aurorae and Other Auroral E Region Characteristics," Radio Sci., 9(2), 341–348, 1974.

Bates, H.F., "Atmospheric Expansion from Joule Heating," Planet. Space Sci., 22, 925–937, 1974.

Bates, H.F., "Thermospheric Changes Shortly After the Onset of Daytime Joule Heating," Planet. Space Sci., 22, 1625–1636, 1974.

Bates, H.F., and R.D. Hunsucker, "Quiet and Disturbed Electron Density Profiles in the Auroral Zone Ionosphere," Radio Sci., 9(4), 455–467, 1974.

Brekke, A., J.R. Doupnik and P.M. Banks, "Incoherent Scatter Measurements of E Region Conductivities and Currents in the Auroral Zone," J. Geophys. Res., 79(25), 3773–3790, 1974.

Brekke, A., J.R. Doupnik and P.M. Banks, "Observations of Neutral Winds in the Auroral E Region During the Magnetospheric Storm of August 3-9, 1972," J. Geophys. Res., 79(16), 2448–2456, 1974.

Cogger, L.L., V.B. Wickwar and H.C. Carlson, "Combined Airglow and Incoherent Scatter Observations as a Technique for Studying Neutral Atmospheric Variations," Radio Sci., 9(2), 205–210, 1974.

Hunsucker, R.D., "Simultaneous Riometer and Incoherent-Scatter Observations of the Auroral D Region," Radio Sci., 9(2), 335–340, 1974.

Nagy, A.F., R.J. Cicerone, P.B. Hays, K.D. McWatters, J.W. Meriwether, A.E. Belon and C.L. Rino, "Simultaneous Measurement of Ion and Neutral Motions by Radar and Optical Techniques," Radio Sci., 9(2), 315–321, 1974.

Rino, C.L., M.J. Baron, G.H. Burch and O. de la Beaujardière, "A Multipulse Correlator Design for Incoherent Scatter Radar," Radio Sci., 9(12), 1117–1127, 1974.

Rino, C.L., V.B. Wickwar, P.M. Banks, S.-I. Akasofu and E. Reiger, "Incoherent-Scatter Radar Observations of Westward Electric Fields, 2," J. Geophys. Res., 79(31), 4669–4678, 1974.

Watkins, B.J., and P.M. Banks, "A Preliminary Study of High-Latitude Thermospheric Temperatures from Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations," J. Geophys. Res., 79(34), 5307–5310, 1974.

Watt, T.M., L.L. Newkirk and E.G. Shelley, "Joint Radar-Satellite Determination of the Effective Recombination Coefficient in the Auroral E Region," J. Geophys. Res., 79(31), 4725–4731, 1974.

Wickwar, V.B., "Conjugate Photoelectrons at L = 5.6 and the 6300 Å Postsunset Enhancement," Planet. Space Sci., 22, 1297–1307, 1974.



Banks, P.M., J.R. Doupnik and S.-I. Akasofu, "Electric Field Observations by Incoherent-Scatter Radar in the Auroral Zone," J. Geophys. Res., 78(28), 6607–6622, 1973.

Baron, M.J., and R.D. Hunsucker, "Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of the Auroral Zone Ionosphere During the Total Solar Eclipse of July 10, 1972," J. Geophys. Res., 78(31), 7451–7460, 1973.

Bates, H.F., "Atmospheric Expansion through Joule Heating by Horizontal Electric Fields," Planet. Space Sci., 21, 2073–2088, 1973.

Bates, H.F., A.E. Belon and R.D. Hunsucker, "Aurora and the Poleward Edge of the Main Ionospheric Trough," J. Geophys. Res., 78(4), 648–658, 1973.

Bates, H.F., A.E. Belon, B. Watkins, R.D. Hunsucker and M.J. Baron, "Correspondence of Main Trough Ion Temperatures with Horizontal Drift Speed," J. Geophys. Res., 78(10), 1723–1726, 1973.

Brekke, A., J.R. Doupnik and P.M. Banks, "A Preliminary Study of the Neutral Wind in the Auroral E Region," J. Geophys. Res., 78(34), 8235–8250, 1973.

Horwitz, J., and P.M. Banks, "Ion Momentum and Energy Transfer Rates for Charge Exchange Collisions," Planet. Space Sci., 21, 1975–1981, 1973.

McClure, J.P., W.B. Hanson, A.F. Nagy, R.J. Cicerone, L.H. Brace, M. Baron, P. Bauer, H.C. Carlson, J.V. Evans, N.G. Taylor and R.F. Woodman, "Comparison of Te and Ti from Ogo 6 and from Various Incoherent Scatter Radars," J. Geophys. Res., 78(1), 197–205, 1973.

Watt, T.M., "Incoherent-Scatter Observations of the Ionosphere over Chatanika, Alaska," J. Geophys. Res., 78(16), 2992–3006, 1973.



Doupnik, J.R., P.M. Banks, M.J. Baron, C.L. Rino and J. Petriceks, "Direct Measurements of Plasma Drift Velocities at High Magnetic Latitudes," J. Geophys. Res., 77(22), 4268–4271, 1972.

Hunsucker, R.D., H.F. Bates and A.E. Belon, "Observations of Simultaneous Auroral D and E Layers with Incoherent-Scatter Radar," Nature Physical Sci., 239(94), 102–104, 1972.

Leadabrand, R.L., M.J. Baron, J. Petriceks and H.F. Bates, "Chatanika, Alaska, Auroral-Zone Incoherent-Scatter Facility," Radio Sci., 7(7), 747–756, 1972.

Rino, C.L., "Radar Measurement of Ionosphere Motion in the Presence of Current-Induced Spectral Asymmetries," Radio Sci., 7(11), 1049–1060, 1972.