Record Contents

Record 2:
  LTOT = 1520
  KREC = 3002
 KINST = 61
KINDAT = 5960
  IBYR = 2019
  IBDT = 123
  IBHM = 1710
  IBCS = 2000
  IEYR = 2019
  IEDT = 123
  IEHM = 2107
  IECS = 3400
 LPROL = 40
  JPAR = 3
  MPAR = 20
  NROW = 0
CKINDAT Vector velocities
IBYRT               2019 Beginning year
IBDTT                123 Beginning month and day
IBHMT               1710 Beginning UT hour and minute
IBCST               2000 Beginning centisecond
IEYRT               2019 Ending year
IEDTT                123 Ending month and day
IEHMT               2107 Ending UT hour and minute
IECST               3400 Ending centisecond
C 1D Parameters:
KODS(0)       17      60 Integration time for these data        1E+00   s
KODS(1)       18     106 Minimum altitude                       1E+00   km
KODS(2)       19     107 Additional increment to min alt        1E-04   km
KODS(3)       20     108 Maximum altitude                       1E+00   km
KODS(4)       21     109 Additional increment to max alt        1E-04   km
C 2D Parameters:
KODM(0)       27     227 Corrected Geomagnetic latitude         1E-02   deg
KODM(1)       28     413 No samples available in time average   1E+00   N/A
KODM(2)       29    1240 Ion velocity in direction 4 (perp east 1E+00   m/s
KODM(3)       30   -1240 Error in Ion velocity in direction 4 ( 1E+00   m/s
KODM(4)       31    1250 Ion velocity in direction 5 (perp nort 1E+00   m/s
KODM(5)       32   -1250 Error in Ion velocity in direction 5 ( 1E+00   m/s
KODM(6)       33    1260 Ion velocity in dir 6 (antiparallel)   1E+00   m/s
KODM(7)       34   -1260 Error in Ion velocity in dir 6 (antipa 1E+00   m/s
KODM(8)       35    1640 Electric field in direction 4 (perp es 1E-05   V/m
KODM(9)       36   -1640 Error in Electric field in direction 4 1E-05   V/m
KODM(10)      37    1650 Electric field in direction 5 (perp nt 1E-05   V/m
KODM(11)      38   -1650 Error in Electric field in direction 5 1E-05   V/m
KODM(12)      39    3626 SON Vector Velocity Magnitude (XY plan 1E+00   m/s
KODM(13)      40   -3626 Error in SON Vector Velocity Magnitude 1E+00   m/s
KODM(14)      41    3627 SON CW angle from GM North for 3626-XY 1E-02   deg
KODM(15)      42   -3627 Error in SON CW angle from GM North fo 1E-02   deg
KODM(16)      43    3628 SON E Field Magnitude (XY plane)       1E-05   V/m
KODM(17)      44   -3628 Error in SON E Field Magnitude (XY pla 1E-05   V/m
KODM(18)      45    3629 SON CW angle from GM North for 3628-XY 1E-02   deg
KODM(19)      46   -3629 Error in SON CW angle from GM North fo 1E-02   deg
CANDATE  Tue Mar 19 12:27:14 2019 UT