Record Contents

Record 2:
  LTOT = 1520
  KREC = 3002
 KINST = 61
KINDAT = 5960
  IBYR = 2019
  IBDT = 109
  IBHM = 1
  IBCS = 0
  IEYR = 2019
  IEDT = 112
  IEHM = 2130
  IECS = 400
 LPROL = 40
  JPAR = 3
  MPAR = 20
  NROW = 0
CKINDAT Vector velocities
IBYRT               2019 Beginning year
IBDTT                109 Beginning month and day
IBHMT                  1 Beginning UT hour and minute
IBCST                  0 Beginning centisecond
IEYRT               2019 Ending year
IEDTT                112 Ending month and day
IEHMT               2130 Ending UT hour and minute
IECST                400 Ending centisecond
C 1D Parameters:
KODS(0)       17      60 Integration time for these data        1E+00   s
KODS(1)       18     106 Minimum altitude                       1E+00   km
KODS(2)       19     107 Additional increment to min alt        1E-04   km
KODS(3)       20     108 Maximum altitude                       1E+00   km
KODS(4)       21     109 Additional increment to max alt        1E-04   km
C 2D Parameters:
KODM(0)       27     227 Corrected Geomagnetic latitude         1E-02   deg
KODM(1)       28     413 No samples available in time average   1E+00   N/A
KODM(2)       29    1240 Ion velocity in direction 4 (perp east 1E+00   m/s
KODM(3)       30   -1240 Error in Ion velocity in direction 4 ( 1E+00   m/s
KODM(4)       31    1250 Ion velocity in direction 5 (perp nort 1E+00   m/s
KODM(5)       32   -1250 Error in Ion velocity in direction 5 ( 1E+00   m/s
KODM(6)       33    1260 Ion velocity in dir 6 (antiparallel)   1E+00   m/s
KODM(7)       34   -1260 Error in Ion velocity in dir 6 (antipa 1E+00   m/s
KODM(8)       35    1640 Electric field in direction 4 (perp es 1E-05   V/m
KODM(9)       36   -1640 Error in Electric field in direction 4 1E-05   V/m
KODM(10)      37    1650 Electric field in direction 5 (perp nt 1E-05   V/m
KODM(11)      38   -1650 Error in Electric field in direction 5 1E-05   V/m
KODM(12)      39    3626 SON Vector Velocity Magnitude (XY plan 1E+00   m/s
KODM(13)      40   -3626 Error in SON Vector Velocity Magnitude 1E+00   m/s
KODM(14)      41    3627 SON CW angle from GM North for 3626-XY 1E-02   deg
KODM(15)      42   -3627 Error in SON CW angle from GM North fo 1E-02   deg
KODM(16)      43    3628 SON E Field Magnitude (XY plane)       1E-05   V/m
KODM(17)      44   -3628 Error in SON E Field Magnitude (XY pla 1E-05   V/m
KODM(18)      45    3629 SON CW angle from GM North for 3628-XY 1E-02   deg
KODM(19)      46   -3629 Error in SON CW angle from GM North fo 1E-02   deg
CANDATE  Tue Mar 19 12:23:22 2019 UT