Record Contents

Record 1:
  LTOT = 800
  KREC = 2001
 KINST = 61
KINDAT = 5962
  IBYR = 2018
  IBDT = 1012
  IBHM = 901
  IBCS = 100
  IEYR = 2018
  IEDT = 1012
  IEHM = 916
  IECS = 5100
 LPROL = 0
  JPAR = 0
  MPAR = 0
  NROW = 0
ALT1          74 km. Lowest altitude measured
ALT2         388 km. Highest altitude measured
GGLAT1        64 degrees. Lowest geographic latitude measured
GGLAT2        66 degrees. Highest geographic latitude measured
GGLON1      -149 degrees. Westmost geographic longitude measured
GGLON2      -144 degrees. Eastmost geographic longitude measured
IBYRE       2018 Beginning year
IBDTE       1012 Beginning month and day
IBHME        901 Beginning UT hour and minute
IBCSE        100 Beginning centisecond
IEYRE       2018 Ending year
IEDTE       1012 Ending month and day
IEHME        916 Ending UT hour and minute
IECSE       5100 Ending centisecond
CMODEXP  5 beams, dual frequency 640 us pulses fractional lag alternating
CMODEXP  codes. 4 beams, 480us fractional lag alternating code and 330us long
CMODEXP  pulse.
CPI      Craig Heinselman