Record Contents

Record 1:
  LTOT = 800
  KREC = 2001
 KINST = 61
KINDAT = 5961
  IBYR = 2018
  IBDT = 1003
  IBHM = 937
  IBCS = 0
  IEYR = 2018
  IEDT = 1003
  IEHM = 952
  IECS = 5000
 LPROL = 0
  JPAR = 0
  MPAR = 0
  NROW = 0
ALT1          92 km. Lowest altitude measured
ALT2         547 km. Highest altitude measured
GGLAT1        64 degrees. Lowest geographic latitude measured
GGLAT2        66 degrees. Highest geographic latitude measured
GGLON1      -150 degrees. Westmost geographic longitude measured
GGLON2      -143 degrees. Eastmost geographic longitude measured
IBYRE       2018 Beginning year
IBDTE       1003 Beginning month and day
IBHME        937 Beginning UT hour and minute
IBCSE          0 Beginning centisecond
IEYRE       2018 Ending year
IEDTE       1003 Ending month and day
IEHME        952 Ending UT hour and minute
IECSE       5000 Ending centisecond
CMODEXP  5 beams, dual frequency 640 us pulses fractional lag alternating
CMODEXP  codes. 4 beams, 480us fractional lag alternating code and 330us long
CMODEXP  pulse.
CPI      Craig Heinselman