Record Contents

Record 2:
  LTOT = 1600
  KREC = 3002
 KINST = 61
KINDAT = 5951
  IBYR = 2018
  IBDT = 1003
  IBHM = 937
  IBCS = 0
  IEYR = 2018
  IEDT = 1003
  IEHM = 952
  IECS = 5000
 LPROL = 40
  JPAR = 10
  MPAR = 13
  NROW = 0
CKINDAT Alternating Code
IBYRT               2018 Beginning year
IBDTT               1003 Beginning month and day
IBHMT                937 Beginning UT hour and minute
IBCST                  0 Beginning centisecond
IEYRT               2018 Ending year
IEDTT               1003 Ending month and day
IEHMT                952 Ending UT hour and minute
IECST               5000 Ending centisecond
C 1D Parameters:
KODS(0)       17     130 Mean azimuth angle (0=geog N,90=east)  1E-02   deg
KODS(1)       18     140 Elevation angle (0=horizontal,90=vert) 1E-02   deg
KODS(2)       19     147 Beam identifier                        1E+04   N/A
KODS(3)       20     148 Additional increment to Beam id        1E+00   N/A
KODS(4)       21     402 Pulse length                           1E-06   sec
KODS(5)       22     431 Code baud count per pulse              1E+00   N/A
KODS(6)       23     486 Peak power                             1E+00   kW
KODS(7)       24     490 Transmitted frequency                  1E+05   Hz
KODS(8)       25     491 Received frequency                     1E+05   Hz
KODS(9)       26    3639 Average number of transmit AEUs used   1E+00   N/A
KODS(10)      27    3640 Average number of receive AEUs used    1E+00   N/A
C 2D Parameters:
KODM(0)       39     120 Range                                  1E+00   km
KODM(1)       40     121 Additional increment to range          1E-04   km
KODM(2)       41     227 Corrected Geomagnetic latitude         1E-02   deg
KODM(3)       42     247 Corrected Geomagnetic Longitude        1E-02   deg
KODM(4)       43     520 Log10(Ne in m-3)                       1E-03   lg(m-3)
KODM(5)       44    -520 Error in Log10(Ne in m-3)              1E-03   lg(m-3)
KODM(6)       45     550 Ion temperature (Ti)                   1E+00   K
KODM(7)       46    -550 Error in Ion temperature (Ti)          1E+00   K
KODM(8)       47     560 Electron temperature (Te)              1E+00   K
KODM(9)       48    -560 Error in Electron temperature (Te)     1E+00   K
KODM(10)      49     580 Line of sight ion velocity (pos = away 1E+00   m/s
KODM(11)      50    -580 Error in Line of sight ion velocity (p 1E+00   m/s
KODM(12)      51     581 Additional increment to ion velocity   1E-04   m/s
KODM(13)      52    -581 Error in Additional increment to ion v 1E-04   m/s
KODM(14)      53     620 Composition - [O+]/Ne                  1E-03   N/A
KODM(15)      54    -620 Error in Composition - [O+]/Ne         1E-03   N/A
CANDATE  Tue Feb 12 02:45:52 2019 UT