Print file as ascii (isprint)

Experiment: None    File: pfa190219.003    Type of data: Alternating Code Uncorrected Ne

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  1. If you want to filter the data, use the first section: Available Filters. Skip the filter section to get all data.
  2. In the next section (Avaliable Parameters), select the parameters you want to print. The parameters printed in bold are the ones in this file, while the others are derived from those parameters. Click on the parameter to see its definition.
  3. At the bottom are some optional output formatting options.
  4. Click Display Data.

2019-02-19 06:00:49 - 2019-02-19 17:00:04 : Poker Flat IS Radar

Available Filters - Using default or manually entered selections

Set data filters manually, or ...
  • Data will be listed only if it falls within the range of the filter
  • For azimuth and elevation, two separate ranges can now be used
  • Explanation of Filters
Start date: 
Start time:  H:  M:  S: 
End date: 
End time:  H:  M:  S: 
Min altitude:  Max altitude:
Note: Az from -180 to 180. Az range is clockwise, so if (eg.):
[lower az, upper az] = [170, -170], range goes through 180 degrees.
Min azimuth:  Max azimuth: 
Min elevation:  Max elevation: 
Additional az, el ranges (Data is included if in either range)
Min azimuth 2:  Max azimuth 2: 
Min elevation 2:  Max elevation 2: 
Min pulse len (microsec):  Max pulse len (microsec):
Optional free-form filters using any parameter mnemonic on this page
Mnemonic (or Mnem1 +,-,*,/ Mnem2)
(example: gdalt or gdalt - sdwht)
Leave spaces between mnemonics and operator
Lower limit
(leave blank if none)
Upper limit
(leave blank if none)
...use a saved filter and parameter selection: 

Saved filters: 

Available Parameters (Comprehensive)

(parameters with regular typeface are derived)

Output format

Headers off Unknown value string:  Max characters per row (50-9999): 


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