Madrigal data file download

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Download pfa190321.001 to the following file type:

Simple column-formated ascii
HDF5 format
Madrigal Binary (complex - not recommended)
Blocked Binary (complex - not recommended)
NCAR Binary (CBF) (complex - not recommended)
Unblocked Binary (complex - not recommended)
NCAR CEDAR ASCII (complex - not recommended)

Please contact Asti Bhatt at before using this data in a report or publication.

File Formats

It is recommended most users download files using either the simple column-formatted ascii format or the HDF5 format, since they are much simpler to use than any of the present CEDAR file types.

The five CEDAR file types all use the CEDAR logical record format for the data in the file. All data are stored as 16-bit integers. The four binary formats use 16-bit 2's complement binary integers and the ASCII format uses ASCII representations of the 16-bit integers. The data format is described in the CEDAR Database Format document. The simplest file format is Unblocked binary, which is simply a sequence of binary records. The Blocked binary and NCAR CBF binary are sequential, tape-oriented formats and are described in the CEDAR Database Format document. The Madrigal format is a random-access disk-oriented format which was designed for a Fortran environment. The NCAR ASCII format is an easy-to-use format which is widely used for submitting small datasets to NCAR, and for preparing catalog and header records. It is described in the CEDAR Database Format document.